Summer Holiday Driving Tips

Travelling around Victoria is now permitted – what better time to enjoy this great state? Make it a great experience with these Summer Holiday Driving Tips.

Having been cooped up for months, this is an ideal opportunity to get out there and wander Victoria. There’s so much on offer. The key to making your trip a safe and relaxing one is all in the planning. Be prepared. Here are some summer holiday driving tips to get you started.

Have your car serviced

While on holiday, drivers will find themselves on unfamiliar roads. To avoid any unnecessary mishaps, your car should have a thorough safety check-up before you put the whole family in and drive off to your holiday destination. Have your tyres and engine checked, plus other less obvious areas of concern, like the windscreen. If there is any damage that could compromise the integrity of your car, take it to a quality panel beater who won’t take any shortcuts. This will ensure your vehicle is safe for long distances.

Check that your roadside assist membership is up to date

If you haven’t already got roadside assist membership, you should invest in one. If you are already a member of your state’s motor club, make sure your membership is up to date and that anyone in your family can drive and be covered. Other than battery and tyre replacement, remember that many motor clubs offer other services like windscreen repair and window tinting, which will come in handy if you’re travelling in summer.

Summer Holiday Driving Tips
Map out your route

Carefully plan your trip. Make sure you allow for regular rest stops to get out and stretch, go to the bathroom, or eat. If you’re going on a long road trip, a break every 1-2 hours is best. Share the driving and pull over for a power nap if no one is alert enough to drive. Never force yourselves to cover an unrealistic amount of ground just to make it to a destination by a certain time. Ideally, avoid driving at a time when you would normally be asleep.

Keep the kids occupied

Children are easily bored, so make sure you have a variety of games, movies, and music for them to occupy themselves. They may protest at first, but feel free to play a game of I Spy or other classic road trip games. They’ll get into it, you’ll see!

Have food and drinks on hand

Hunger and travelling don’t mix. Be sure to have plenty of water and food to keep the hunger pangs at bay for the entire family. A few treats are great, but have lots of healthy options too. It also helps time to go by a little faster.

Now is a great time to explore Victoria. All you need is to follow these few simple tips, and you’ll have an experience to remember.

If you need panel repairs for your vehicle – large or small – contact Melbourne MPP.  They’ll make sure your car is road-ready!