The Melbourne MPP team was recently busy with Isuzu Truck Repairs. This flatbed truck had considerable damage to its front panels and bumper.

As it was a work vehicle, it was imperative that the truck be ready in as little time as possible without cutting any corners. The driver, having heard our reputation from a friend, believed we could get the Isuzu truck repairs done.

First up, we set to work repairing the panels. The front was completely smashed in, while the bumper was almost ripped off, making both parts unsalvageable.

Once we removed the damaged panels, we set to work replacing them. It was a tough gig, but we worked tirelessly and somehow finished ahead of schedule.

Isuzu Truck Repairs

Next, it was time for the paint! No matter how good your initial repairs are, if the paint isn’t done correctly, the whole job will look a mess. That’s why we spend as much time and effort on the paint as we do the panels.

After careful testing to ensure the paint matched the rest of the truck, we began spraying. While this painstaking method certainly takes time, we know that our customers understand and appreciate its importance. 

Meanwhile, the truck’s owner returned to work in one of our hire cars, allowing him to make it there on time to borrow another truck from his business. 

After the paint had dried and the work was triple-checked, we called our customer and told him to come in and pick up his Isuzu truck. Expecting the work to take at least a week longer, he was shocked! While seemingly suspicious, after checking out our Isuzu truck repairs firsthand, he was reassured we did a brilliant job and thanked us repeatedly.

If you have damaged a work vehicle and need it back on the road ASAP, don’t call anyone but Melbourne MPP. We’ll have you back on track before you know it, all guaranteed by high-quality repairs with a lifetime warranty. Contact us today to find out more.